Introduction to Studio Lighting
- Oct 10 at 5:30
- Nov 7 @ 5:30
An overview of the use of studio strobe lights in a studio setting. This is as much as possible a hands-on class. It is not a lecture course. You will actually be using the lights. Bring your camera or borrow one to shoot with the strobes.
How strobes work
How to setup and use them, including modifiers
How to meter
Set up and shoot one-light portraits
LENGTH: 2 hours
PREREQUISITES: This is an intro course meant for beginners with strobe lighting. You don’t have to know anything about studio lighting. However, if you bring your own camera, be sure you know your camera's synch speed and how to use it in full manual mode: comfortable at manually setting ISO, shutter speed, and aperture. If you are just curious about such lighting, feel free to come and participate as you want, including sharing my camera for some shooting.
Take Control of Your iPhone Photography
- Oct 5 at 5:30
- Oct 19 at noon
Nov 2 at 5:30
Bring your iPhone (5 or higher) and we’ll have some fun taking and processing a set of photographs that will give you hands-on experience with the camera and iPhone software to make you comfortable with those tools and able to raise the quality of your photographs. The course will focus on developing a knowledge of the basics of shooting and processing. That knowledge will give you a foundation for exploring even further among camera attachments and apps. Maximum of 6 students.
Using the camera app’s built-in tools
Using the built-in editing capability
Using the organization tools on the iPhone
Using a free app for additional processing
Preparing an image for Instagram
Turning an image into postcard
Sending your images to print
LENGTH: 2 hours
PREREQUISITES: iPhone 5 or later. All work will be done on your iPhone. You will receive directions for installing additional apps, if needed. You must have taken at least one photo with your iPhone.